Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Crochet Inspiration 14: Unicorn Hat

I know. It's ONLY September. But it is the last day of September. Here in the Southwest, we're still months away from cold weather. You know, the really COLD weather, that you break out hats, scarves, and gloves for.

But recently, my Goddaughter has shown a lot of love for all things My Little Pony. And unicorns. I can relate. When I was little, I adored My Little Pony. Had houses, ponies, cars, blankets, stuffed animals...anything and everything that you could imagine. And unicorns. Well, during a large part of my childhood, I collected them. My own Godparents, would indulge me in my fascination. They'd buy me ceramic unicorns, stuffed unicorns, and even a big minky blanket with a unicorn on it.

So after having a long convo with Miss A, I thought of something crochet. I had already started this star blanket for her. But in her favorite colors...pink, purple, and blue. I'm using a Red Heart Yarn in "Bright Mix." And some white. I can't decide, if I should give it to her for her birthday, in October. Or wait until Christmas.

Then I remembered seeing a few different unicorn patterns on Etsy. Really I had been looking for a Horse Hat. For Miss Abby. And her big sister, Lauren. I did a quick Google search, and found a real beauty on Repeat Crafter Me!

For real?!?!?! Sarah is an AMAZING designer. But this is just too cute! I'm thinking of using the same Red Heart yarn, in Bright Mix, for the mane. And I might just have to give this beauty to Miss A, for her birthday. It's in just a few weeks. And I think this would be a perfect fit.

Between, I think this could be a cute little horse. You know, for 2 of my favorite little cowgirls. I'm thinking of changing up the colors, losing the horn, and maybe adding on a face. :) I just LOVE when things start coming together! ❤

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