Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Wishful Wednesday #18: Laundry Rooms

As crazy as this sounds, I dream about Laundry Rooms. Probably because, one of my favorite household chores, is doing laundry. I like the way the laundry soap smells. I enjoy fluffing and folding. I adore organizing. Color coding, is a must! Getting things clean, just makes me feel better.
I once, held up a building site, because I wasn't happy with the laundry room. No lie! You can ask, this guy. He thought I was nuts! But if we were going to do it. It was going to happen the right way. And so, I made sure, all our needs were met.
These days, I just want a pretty space, to do laundry. I'm living with my Momma. Who knows, for how long. She still needs me. And my life, is apparently, still on hold. For who knows, how long. And I have this need, to nest. And make things perfect. And pretty.
All of a sudden, our laundry room, is super tiny. Well, it's always has been. But lately, it feels worse! And I need a pretty space. Something that is organized. And light. Something, that makes me smile.
Which is not our current situation. Currently, I want to run away. Every single time, I look in there, it depresses me. And although most of the pictures I'm going to show you, are a far cry...from what I can achieve. I can still dream. You know, in case I decide to make the permanent move...back to my hometown...

First of all, I adore the storage, under the counter. Because honestly, it's like sorting your laundry daily. And it's out of site. I also like this counter space. Perfect for folding!

I've ALWAYS wanted a sink, in the laundry room. Do you know how many clothes, I hand wash. And the bathroom sink, just isn't the place to do it. I want a sink...

I LOVE this light and airy feel! Oh, it would be amazing! We have one small window. Around noon, we get the most light. But I do like, the counter again. More...the space underneath. Those bins pull out, and it's another way to sort and store dirty laundry.

Wouldn't this be perfect? An indoor hanging area. For all those items that need to be hung to dry. Come on, my family can't be the only one...that still hangs clothes. Either they freeze in the winter. Or smell like smoke, because one of our neighbors, is burning weeds outside.

Oh, and I adore the open shelving. It would be perfect, to store toilet paper, paper towels, and the likes. Currently, I try and hide everything in a closet. Or a cabinet. I like this idea.

And to have a place, to hang everything up. Perfection! I once had a Mud Room. And a Laundry Room. It was the life! I liked having a place, to hang my gym bag. Or kick off my shoes. It made, the rest of the house work. I miss that!

My Mom and I, have been talking about shelves like this. For over a year now. Her Laundry Room, is about this size. Maybe a foot wider. And it's a square shaped room. But it's a small laundry room. And it needs to be more functional. I hate having to chase pups in there. Only to run into bottles of laundry soap...

This whole system looks AMAZING! I really adore it. A place for everything. And most of the items, are well hidden in some sort of basket. Bonus, that there's room for cleaning supplies. Currently, ours are stored in the hot water heater closet. Not the best!

This would be the dream. Am I the only weirdo that likes to do laundry? I mean really, it's more like LOVE!!! Just a few short years ago...a certain Mr. would find me in the Laundry Room. All the time! We had a rather large Laundry Room. With a comfy couch. It was my hangout. Fresh, light, and so inviting!

And really, I can't say anything bad...about this space! I like the décor, the layout, and the storage. It just looks so functional. My little sink and all! Really, this inspires me, to throw everything out of my Mom's Laundry Room. And start all over...

I also adore this idea. A nice table. Functional cabinets. To store all those large pieces...that we don't use all the time. You know the ones. When you are entertaining. That is also a big problem for us. Too many large pots, serving platters, and the such. I guess that's just part of being from a large family. But this would be a nice solution.

So many great ideas. Honestly, it makes me want to start all over. In my Mom's house. She is in major need of storage. And functionality. And just making the space, look pretty. It's been a while folks. We still have walkers, shower bars, and other items that we needed for my Dad...all over the house. Tucked between the washer and dryer. Hidden behind the couch. It's time, to make the space for my Mom...

Oh, and this picture. It takes my heart. I adore that chandelier. It wasn't long ago, that my Dad and I, were hanging one in my Laundry Room. Back home. You see, he bought me a chandelier for my Dining Room. Later on, I'd find a more perfect version...and we'd move the other the Laundry Room. Because no girl, can have too many chandeliers. At least in my book.

I think a Laundry Room should be functional. And beautiful. And a place, that you are happy to walk into. That's probably why, I don't mind doing household chores. I try and make all the spaces, beautiful. It puts a smile on your face. It doesn't have to be fancy. Maybe a fun color of paint. One wall, with a fun detail. A cute light fixture. Something. Anything at all. Remember, you only live once! ❤

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