Monday, May 2, 2016

Music Monday #18: Thy Will

I heard this song, a week or two ago. And it just made me think. I sat at the top of the hill, early in the morning. Watching the sunrise. And just listened. There was something about this song, that just called to me. The music. The lyrics. Hillary's voice.

The last few years, have been something else. At times, just unbearable. And at other times, I've felt so raw. So exposed. This song, just reminds me...of how vulnerable we can be. And how we can carry all of this with us.

But through it all, no matter what...we MUST trust in God. He will carry us, through it all. The pain, the hurt, the loneliness. I know, the tough days, are not all behind me. But there are some truly AMAZING days, in front of me. And I need to remember, to trust in God.

As hard as life can be, we can't lose our faith. Our paths, are difficult at times. And at times, I HATE so much about life. But life, is truly a miracle. Because of our Lord. And his love for us.

I pray every single day. For my family. And my friends. For myself. Lately, it's been a lot for myself. And my struggles. I get on my knees, and pray. That I can hear, see, and feel God's plans for me. That he has a plan for me. Maybe it will include a husband, children, and love. Maybe it includes more pain and hurt.

Whatever it is, he will walk along side me. And when it becomes too much to bare, he will carry me. I know this, first hand. Because I know, it was God that has gotten me through the last 6 years. On the toughest days, I turned to God. And asked for his help, his love, and his compassion. For myself. My Dad. My family. My friends. And my enemies.

I am so amazed by God and his love for me. We are so very blessed. Even on the worst of days, we have the most amazing love...that we could ever ask for! God will guide us. And help us, through the darkest of days. I know this. And this song, is just a reminder, of all the love...that God has for us. ❤

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