Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Crochet Inspiration 27: Baby Panda

Is anyone else still trying to get their Christmas presents bought? How about finished up...you know, if you are a crafter. Well, I am. Mostly because life has been crazy around here. And since we are going to be in the hospital for the next week or so, my gifts this year are going to be homemade.

Most are done. But then, I had a ton of orders to fill. And Christmas came fast. So yes, I sold a few of the gifts I had made my family. I have a few left to remake. Mostly hats. Some toys. And a scarf. But I thought, we needed something fun in the hospital. In pops...a baby panda!

Isn't this panda outfit cute? Well, I thought so. I'm going to make the hat for my little cousin. She just turned 7 months old. I'm thinking of adding a little pink bow, to the right ear area. And then, I just might make one for an upcoming Craft Fair. :)

And just for a second, can we talk about this awesome blog? All About Ami. I literally stumbled on it. Because I was looking for a baby panda hat. And I was a little tired of all the character hats, that I've made this holiday season. I just wanted something adorable. But All About Ami...definitely one of my new favorite blogs! ❤

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Crochet Inspiration 26: Snowmen for Two Little Men

We're just 2 days away from Christmas! And I found out just a few days ago, that my cousin is coming from Virginia. And her brother is also coming to town. He lives a few hours away. Both with their new spouses. And baby boys. One of the boys is 2 months old. The other is 7 months old. You know, totally adorable.
But that means, I need some quick gifts. And because my 2 cousins are very competitive, I decided I needed to make the same thing for both baby boys. You know, we've got to be 100% fair. And I wanted it to be something homemade. But it needs to be simple. Something that can be worked up in 2 days. Then I remembered these 2 little snowmen...

We all know about Sarah's cute snowman. And I think he will be just perfect. Minus the little flower. You know...it could be a choking hazard.

And I thought a snowman hat would be perfect. It doesn't get really cold here, but Virginia gets it's fair share of snow. And winter. So why not? I'm thinking one can be red, the other blue. Add in some grey for fun. And a few cute buttons. Just a little modifications. Well, I better grab my hook and yarn...and get busy! Merry Christmas Eve Eve!!! ❤ 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Crochet Inspiration 25: Out & About

At the beginning of the month, My Mom and I sold at our church's Christmas Craft Fair. We did so good. And sold a ton of stuff! I mean a ton! Many items that we'd had for a while. But we kept a little list of the top sellers. You know, we only have about 6 weeks to stock up. You know, before our next sale. :)

Well, I was trying to stock up on some of these items. One being a certain scarf. The real story being, my sister wanted a dark purple scarf that we had. She put it down, to look at a few other things. In case you don't know, my sister works on TV shows and movies. So she works long, crazy hours. And hadn't had time to go shopping. I think she did a good 50% of her shopping in one afternoon. Our fellow crafters, were very happy!

But when my sister put that purple scarf down, and a friend of ours...well she bought it. So I thought, I could make my sister the whole set for Christmas. Something that matched. In her favorite color. So she doesn't freeze on set, at 3AM.

Then I hit a snag. I couldn't find the pattern. Anywhere! And my sister is headed to Croatia. For 2 months! And I got a call. From a lady at church. Wanting to order 5 sets! What to do???

Fast forward almost 10 days, and I still couldn't find the pattern. I searched our containers of patterns. I searched online. And then I started asking friends. I kept coming up empty handed.

Finally I realized, when Coats & Clark merged their free patterns with Red Heart, not everything made the move. This pattern happened to be one of those...

So as any other crafter would do, I kept on searching. Then I remembered the pattern is called "Out & About." A few Google searches later...I found Purple Kitty Yarns. And the pattern! Don't you just LOVE it?!?!?! Now I better get to crocheting. ❤

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wishful Wednesday 24: North Pole Breakfast 2014

There are a ton of things I wish for in life. 90% of them, are not material items. I wish for things like a loving man, to share my life with. Really share it. All parts of my life. I want kids. I've wanted ninitos, since before I can remember. When I was little, I would dream of having a dozen babies! And living on this guy's grandparents' Ranch. Crazy, huh!

But I'm nearly 32 years old. I'm the primary caregiver of my Dad. I have left 99% of my life behind, to care of my Dad. The man that I thought, hung the moon, stars, and heck...the entire sky! My Dad who was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer...not even 6 months ago!

I used to dream of my "Prince Charming." My Dad walking me down the aisle, in my perfect white dress. To have all those babies. And to create the most AMAZING life!

But in all reality, even prior to coming home, to take care of my Dad...my life was not on "that track." Not at all! I didn't have a man to love...that shared in my life 100%. Not one that came home with me, for holidays with my family. I was not close to marriage. And what seemed like a million miles from parenthood.

And no matter how much, I felt that hole in my heart, I couldn't find my way out. I'd set up wonderful days with my friends ninitos. We'd bake, decorate, and sometimes deliver treats. We'd have big sleepovers at my home...20 little girls and me. Tia was dearly outnumbered! But I LOVED it! We'd play dolls, bake, watch princess movies, play with my shoes, dance around my home, do lots of crafting, and comb each others hair.

It was not always rainbows and puppy dog tails. Heck no! I think we can all remember the day, that 5 boxes...not containers...of sprinkles made it into my carpet. Or the night I had 1 little bitty girl, throwing up all over the place...and 15 more, fast asleep. There was even that time, when the fire ants attacked 3 kiddos in my care.

But my heart still yearns for those things I dreamt of, as a little girl. Babies of my own. A husband to share this life with. And fun traditions, that would be for my family.

And then I read Andrea's blog last week. And I literally cried! Right there in the middle of the infusion room. With my Dad's oncologist looking at me, like I've totally flipped out. I didn't just cry. I balled! Because that life, that I've always wanted, seems so far away! And this post, reminded me of everything I've given up in this life...

Honestly, this is the sweetest little tradition! Something that I did with my own Goddaughters, years ago. Setting the scene for the holiday season. A morning full of fun, laughter, and cheer! And as much as this post, made me cry...I feel good.
Why? Because one day, I hope to get back to this life. I hope to make it even better. I want to be an amazing mom like Andrea. To have fun holidays. To teach my kids about God. To show them the love, that I've carried my entire life...just for them.
I'm not sad this week. I'm hopeful. I feel like I have this little wish, planted deep in my soul. And I know one day, God has a plan for me. Whether my life is shared with my own kids, or with the ninitos God sends into my path. My little cousins, nieces, nephews, Goddaughters, friends. And as fun as this looks...this year for me, is all about grace. I'm learning to be happy with the little things in life. And how to file these little gems, away for a time that is not so chaotic. So touch and go. God is great! And I know he has a plan for me. I will leave it all up to him. ❤

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Crochet Inspiration 24: Snowman Purse

'Tis the season. You know...candy canes, Christmas trees, and Santa. Did I mention that I haven't decorated. At all! This is not me. I usually have the entire house, outside and in, decorated. Like every surface is covered in something glittery, shiny, or twinkly.

But this year, I just haven't been into it. In 10 days, we are having our company Christmas party. I got to get moving on this stuff. I haven't even done 10% of my Christmas shopping. I know. I know people. 16 days until Christmas...

So I've been looking for some crafting inspiration. Especially, for the little ones. My Little Cousin J has LOVED everything "Snowman" since I can remember. Frosty is her guy. She will watch Frosty the Snowman...at least 100 times. That's between Thanksgiving and Christmas. After Christmas, they hide the movie from her!

She'll be 5 next month. And is now in Pre-K. So I've been hunting down a little something special for her. I wanted a little bag of some sort. Something she could carry with her. She likes to have little bags to stash her ice cream money, lipgloss, and special little toys. I did a quick search on Etsy, and look what I found...

A snowman purse! I about died. The cuteness alone, just got me. And honestly, this close to Christmas...with chemo and everything else we have going on...I should just buy it. But my Little Cousin J, she just adores when I make her stuff. :)

I think I can have this little gem, made in about a day. I'm thinking a purple "hat" with pink cheeks. Her two favorite colors. And maybe, if I have time, making a pink one for my pal Little J. I think these are so much fun! Better than the stockings, that I was going to write their names on. Bonus...I already have tons of treats to fill them with! Happy Tuesday!