Friday, February 5, 2016

Fabulous Friday #6: Time for a Cut

I've just been feeling it. In my bones. It's time for a haircut. Not just a little trim. But a real cut. I've ALWAYS had long hair. ALWAYS!

The first time, I really chopped my hair off, I was in high school. A senior. Right about to leave for Florida. I thought, this is the chance. I was going to be in Florida, for something like 10 days. Then I was going to come back home, late in the evening. Early the next morning, I was headed to my state capital. For another 5 days.

This was my chance. And I chopped off my hair! It went from "past my bottom," to "just above my shoulders." I LOVED it! Even if one of my best friends, told me a looked like a mom. I didn't care! And I also managed to hide it from my parents. By the time I returned from my travels, it was halfway down my back! That's the thing, my hair grows fast. And has a fascination, with this same length. Right around the small of my back.

So I let me hair grow. From May, until October. When I was away at college, I went to one of those places in a strip mall. I paid $6, with my college ID. And I chopped it off again! This time, to just under my ears.

I LOVED it! I could get ready in minutes. When you are in college, that is a HUGE plus! So there I was, in LOVE with short hair. I think I let it grow out slightly, before the holidays. But in the Spring it returned. Just above the shoulders. And I managed to maintain a shorter hairstyle, until the following Summer.

I have sadly, been in a rut, for years now. At least, when I was actively performing, I would get a good haircut, every couple of months. But here, is were I get honest. It's been 27 months, since I last cut my hair. And that was just a trim!

For the last few months, I've had this itch. Just to go, chop it all off! My friends even sent me a gift certificate, for Christmas. It's still in the Christmas card, at the bottom of my purse. But really, it's time.

You see, I have a love-hate relationship, with my hair. When I was younger, I really did LOVE my hair. It was super thick. I could manage a little wave-like curl. For cheerleading, I could use the sponge rollers...and get "that look." It was love. Then my hair started to thin. It has gotten uncooperative. And well, we are at a "Hate" stage.

My older sisters, have this beautiful curly hair. Spiral curls. Only one of them, maintains her locks. And she has the most gorgeous, bouncy curls. Me? I've got frizzy hair. Poofy hair. Let's say, it reminds me of a Chia Pet, on most days...

There is nothing extra special, about my hair. My Mom has pin straight hair. My Dad had crazy curly locks. And me? I'm not sure what happened. When I was under 13, my hair was long, straight, and dark. Almost black. Over the years, it's gotten lighter in color, crazier in texture, and thinned.

But I can't always hate  my hair. And let's be honest, I do enjoy looking nice. My "go-to" bun, for the OR...has slowly transformed, into a messy "up-do," most days. During the warmer months, I might do a little braid near the front, and up it all goes. But it is time, for a more "Grown Up" style.

Nothing too fancy. If I'm feeling a little more fancy, or have some time on my hands, I might straighten my hair. Maybe put hot rollers on. Perhaps, get a curling iron out. But that's it. And I'm kind of tired of it all. I want something a little more, well styled. Put together. Grown up...

So I've been looking at tons of pictures. Been paying more attention to hairstyles. Asking nurses, what works best with surgical caps. That sort of thing. I might have also asked a couple of colleagues, what they like. Here are a couple of ideas, that I'm liking...

I really do like this haircut. I like the structure of it. The idea, that there is a bit of style. The long bangs. The length. But it seems too comfy. Similar, in many ways, to what I already have...

Again, I like the length. The texture. The idea of many layers. It gives some flair. Has some style. But isn't too crazy. It's also very comfortable. I think I cut my hair like this, when I was in medical school. But sort of, more "dressed up."

Yup, I do like this more "messy" look. A little more "I just rolled out of bed." It doesn't matter if it's not perfect. But it still looks nice. Like I might actually, be making some sort of an effort...

I think the reason I'm drawn to this hairstyle, has more to do with the bangs. I like that idea. I have a pretty large forehead. And probably could use some help. I also like the slightly messy look.

I really like this hairstyle. It's messy. Like me. Imperfect. But still looks somewhat "put together." Yup, I like it. My only question is, does it look too much, like the "Rachel?" 

This is one of those hairstyles, I've like for a while. Like I cut out a picture, and stuck it in my purse. Maybe I'll go cut my hair. Doesn't look too time consuming. Might actually work, with my natural texture. You know, on the days, when you just add some hair product, and run out the door. This is on my short list...

Everything about this style, is appealing to me. The cut, is something fun. Outside of my comfort zone. The color, I like it! It makes me actually want, to go color my hair. Which I've never done before. And probably should. My skin tone is pretty similar. So I'm thinking, it couldn't be a complete disaster.

And that appeal of short hair. It keeps coming back. But is this too short, for my round face? Will I look ridiculous? I like the idea of short hair. More structure. But will I be able, to maintain this?

This is probably my favorite of all! I LOVE the length! I LOVE the idea of a little bit of bangs and layers. Not to mention, it's not completely structured. It has some movement. And really, who is going to know, if every piece of hair, isn't doing what it's supposed to? This just might be it!

What do you guys think? What should I do? Especially, if you know me in real life. Let me know. Leave me a comment. Send me a message. Please help! I'm ready for some change. My hair, seems like the perfect place to start! ❤

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